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音标: 英 ['dɜ:məl] 美 ['dɜ:məl]

a. 皮肤的, 真皮的
[医] 皮肤的

a. of or relating to or located in the dermis


1. Hello. I'm here to pick up artificial dermal regeneration templates.

你好 我来拿人工真皮再生表

2. I think he's got hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia.


3. If you throw a deep dermal in there and trim that edge, it'll line up better.

如果你在这减掉一块深层真皮 然后剪掉边 能对得更齐

4. Examination of the perimortem, antimortem and postmortem injuries didn't yield residue from the dermal ridges.

死亡过程检验中 被害人死前与死后的伤处 皮嵴组织没有产生残余物

5. In the photos, it appears as though her attacker cut away the first dermal layer of skin.

从照片上看 袭击者割去了 她的真皮层的第一层

6. The removal of the first dermal layer of skin is similar to a technique used in scarification, which, like tonguesplitting, is a popular form of body modification.

移除皮肤最上面的皮层 类似于用在痕刻中使用的技术 比如分舌 就是一种流行的身体改造方式

7. Remove clamps from the duodenal resection site, keeping clear of the underlying aorta, close the fascia using a looped 0 monofilament, close the dermal layer, then reapproximate the skin.

从十二指肠切除处移除夹钳 不要遮挡下方动脉 缝合筋膜 用环端0号单丝线 缝合真皮层以及表皮



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