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音标: 英 ['kri:mə(r)] 美 ['kri:mər]

n. 分离奶油的器具, 盛奶油的器皿, 撇奶油用的薄盆子, 做奶油的人

n a small pitcher for serving cream


1. Yeah, I got your creamer right here.

好的 我把你的咖啡伴侣带来了

2. You wrote "hazelnut" in front of creamer again on the grocery list.


3. Hey, I forgot the creamer today, so you'll have to take it black.

今天忘带奶精了 你只能喝黑咖啡了

4. I have to go out of pocket to sweeten my java because all we normally we have here is regular creamer.

我还得自己花钱买好吃的 就因为我们平时只有普通奶精

5. Well, in fact, I was looking for the nondairy creamer, and I found this sulfa.

实际上 我是在找不含奶精的咖啡伴侣 可我找到了这个 磺胺制剂

6. And the way they make nondairy creamer is by replacing the milk fat with vegetable oil.

他们制作非乳奶精的办法 就是用植物油代替乳脂

7. I can't roast it with creamer and chili powder and serve it to the people who are coming to my dinner tomorrow night.

我没法拿道歉混着奶油和辣椒粉 然后献给明晚来参加晚宴的人们

8. Uh, yes. I want the pens, the pencils, the paper, the coffee, the creamer... we're taking everything.

是的 我要笔 铅笔 纸 咖啡 奶壶 都拿走



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

