中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ku:] 美 [ku]

vi. 咕咕地叫
vi.vt. 谈情话, 轻轻地说, 温柔可爱地说, 温柔爱恋地说
n. 鸽子的叫声, 鸽子叫似的轻声

n. the sound made by a pigeon
v. speak softly or lovingly
v. cry softly, as of pigeons


1. Or we're gonna tie you up and shave your coo coo chara.


2. You should have seen them all cooing about at her feet.


3. They're wailing, they're feeding, they're cooing, nothing else.

他们哭泣 吃奶 哼哼唧唧 没别的了

4. We'll be singing her lullabies and cooing her softly to sleep.

我们可以给她唱摇篮曲 轻声哄她入睡

5. It seems cooing to your baby is not just instinct, it's essential.

对自己的宝宝轻声低语不仅是种本能 也是必要的事

6. You got a whole coo you got a whole cooler.

你还有一冰... 你还有一冰箱呢

7. I could get that coo hole anytime I wanted to, ever since she was 14.

从她十四岁开始 我就可以随时上她

8. I will be so cool, it's gonna be freakin' coo the coolest you've ever seen me.

我会很淡定的 将会是你见过的 最淡定的我

9. And I'll agree not to make cooing noises for the rest of this meeting when I think of the civil suit that we have on our hands.

我会同意在接下来的时间里不发出呜呜的声音 因为想到我们能提出民事诉讼我就自得不已

10. in the middle, waiting like a flowered girl to coo the victor, with a mouth full of noble seed.

坐在中间 像手捧鲜花的姑娘等着对胜者柔声细语 满嘴的阳春白雪



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


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