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音标: 英 [ʃrʌɡ] 美 [ʃrʌɡ]

n. 耸肩
v. 耸肩

n. a gesture involving the shoulders
v. raise one's shoulders to indicate indifference or resignation


1. But you'll shrug that off to protect him.


2. Di issive shrugs are for your mum, not for me.

耸耸肩能把 打发了 跟我可没戏

3. kind of funny, and I just shrug it off.

有点搞笑 所以我就不在意了

4. Then he comes back... and everybody just shrugs.

然后回来 大家就只是耸耸肩

5. She gave a vague shrug. I say we go with it.

她算是耸了下肩 我们坐吧

6. Now,I just insulted you, and you just shrug.

你看 我刚刚侮辱了你 但你就只是耸耸肩

7. Most men would curl up and die from your wound, but you shrug it off as if it were a scratch.

多数人受如此重伤都会一蹶不振直至死亡 而你却毫不在乎 就好像只是受了些擦伤

8. I said I was impressed, and I got a stank shoulder shrug.

我说我很赞赏 回应我的就是厌烦的耸肩

9. Good, you shrugged off the wet street rat look.

很好 你甩掉了过街老鼠的形象

10. I do not trust our founders with it any more than those whose tyranny they seek to shrug off.

我不再相信我们的国父们 如果拥有它 能比那些他们力图摆脱的 好到哪儿去



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


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