中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɪ'nɪʃl] 美 [ɪˈnɪʃəl]

n. 字首, 首字母
a. 开始的, 最初的, 字首的
vt. 用姓名的首字母签名

n. the first letter of a word (especially a person's name)
v. mark with one's initials
s. occurring at the beginning


1. We had initial success with the regenerative properties of the guesthost tissue, but after the initial physical recovery, the subjects began to deteriorate mentally, displaying hypergraphia, aphasia, catatonia, or just complete psychosis.

我们一开始 在宾主组织的再生能力方面取得了成功 但一开始的身体恢复过后 目标的身体情况开始恶化 表现出多写症 失语症和紧张症 或者直接变成精神病

2. Pull firing handle, initiate rear seat, restrain air crew, sequence interseat operation, jettison canopy, unlock rear seat and rise, restrain legs, initiate seat system, fire rocket motors... I haven't finished yet.

拉动发射杆 启动后座 用安全带固定飞行员 依次进行中座操作 扔弃座舱罩 打开并升上后座 固定双腿 启动弹射系统 启动发射装置 我还没说完呢

3. We haven't some who initially were unidentified.

我们还不知道 有些人最初处于失踪

4. This isn't a party. It's an initiation.

这不是聚会 这是入会仪式

5. They weren't my initials. I've never been here before.

那不是我的姓名缩写 我从未来过这

6. It was then that I noticed these here initials.


7. I didn't initiate them and I certainly didn't do any of it for me.

不是我先下手的 而且没有一次是为了自己

8. The initial cavein, that was... that was them.

第一次坍塌 就是...他们做的

9. Don't you see? It was a ceremony, an initiation.

你没看出来吗 那是仪式 入会仪式

10. No gang initiation is as difficult as this.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

