中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈgɒnə(r)] 美 [ˈɡɒnɚ, ˈɡɑnɚ]

n. 已死者, 无法挽救的人

n. a person in desperate straits; someone doomed


1. You would have been a goner anyway, and and you wouldn't have felt it.

反正你到时候也死了 不会有感觉的

2. I thought I could save it, but it's a goner.

还以为我能挽救 但是已经不能要了

3. Oh, he had me. I was a complete goner.

他抓到了我 我以为我死定了

4. When she was in the thick of it, she thought for sure she was a goner.

事发当时 她觉得自己必死无疑

5. When we got you, you were pretty much a goner.

我们见到你时 你已经快不行了

6. If this tear gets too big, I'm a goner.

如果这个洞破得太大 我就死定了

7. As soon as they get a clean shot, he's a goner.

一旦瞄准 他就不是问题了

8. If you don't get out of here soon, your girlfriend's gonna be a goner, too.

要是你不赶紧离开这里 你的女朋友也就活不长了

9. If they're goners, whatever I say won't mean a poot.

要是他们没命了 我说什么都是放屁了

10. Tommy, if he went under the ice back there, he's a goner.

汤米 如果他在那么远的冰下 就救不回来了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

