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音标: 英 ['sɒlɪd] 美 [ˈsɑlɪd]

n. 固体
a. 坚硬的, 稳固的, 固体的, 实心的, 纯质的, 立体的, 立方的
[计] 原色

n. matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure
n. the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape
n. a three-dimensional shape
s. characterized by good substantial quality


1. She is such a solid woman, like you are a solid woman.

她真是个女强人 就像你也是个女强人

2. It was a solid warrant and they had a solid reason for seeking it.

他们有搜查令 而且搜查理由也很正当

3. 'cause I hear you're a solid cop and a solid person.

因为我听说你是个正直的人 也是正直的警察

4. And I don't know what it contains, but it could be kind of solid egg and bacon in an egg shape, or solid sausage and tomato.

我不知道里面的组成 可能是一种蛋状的固体 鸡蛋和咸肉 或者固体的香肠和番茄

5. We're pretty sure we understand that what makes up the plain is a vast reservoir of solid nitrogen ice, which even though it's solid, is very soft.

我们确信 构成平原的 是一个巨大的固态氮冰库 虽说是固态的 其实它非常软

6. What are you talking about? I'm solids.

你说什么呢 我是全色球

7. For you to remember that I did you a solid.


8. You did me a solid I'm doing you one.

你帮了我一个忙 我在帮你

9. But that would only be liquid and solid broccoli.


10. So we have been booked solid for a month.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

