中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['rændəmaiz]

vt. [主英国英语]=randomize

v arrange in random order


1. Meaning that it had proper randomisation and proper blinding and proper reporting of outcomes.

意味着这些试验有合适的随机化 合适的盲选性 以及正确的结论报告

2. And there's quite a lot of evidence coming out now from randomised controlled trials that that's not the case.

但通过随机对照试验 现在有足够证据表明 事实并非如此

3. But now, our recent evidence from randomised controlled trials shows that palliative care works best when it's provided early and collaboratively.

但如今 随机对照试验的最新结果表明 早期与患者合作进行的临终关怀服务 效果最好

4. The problem is, it's very hard to show this cause and effect, because in order to do that, you'd need to do a randomised, controlled trial and to do that, some women would have to take a placebo drug, which when it comes to the pill, that, of course, would be ethically and morally wrong.

问题的关键是弄明白其中的因果关系 但要弄明白这个 你得做一个随机的对照实验 而对照实验中有些女性得服用安慰剂 但一涉及到避孕药 这当然是 道德上都有问题的

5. He focused on 78 randomised clinical trials conducted around the world between 1977 and 2011, examining whether antioxidant supplements could prevent conditions like lung cancer and heart disease.

他将精力集中于1977至2011年开展的 七十八项随机临床试验 来研究抗氧化补剂能否 预防类似肺癌和心脏病这类疾病



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

