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音标: 英 ['dɪtɪ] 美 [ˈdɪtɪ]

n. 小调, 小曲

n. a short simple song (or the words of a poem intended to be sung)


1. And this ditty, after me, sing and dance it trippingly.

随我唱一支曲调 一齐轻轻地舞蹈

2. I saw you teaching your friends that ditty.


3. 'tis a ditty devised to have a double meaning.


4. No, no, just thought of a little ditty I'm working on.

没什么 只是想到一首我正在写的小曲

5. No commercial's complete without a ditty on my lute.

没有我用鲁特琴弹奏的小曲 广告就不完整

6. You know, I'd have these little ditties that would go round and round in my head.

我有许多小曲子 在脑中不断盘旋

7. And she turns the task into a leisure activity with a rather lively ditty.

她会把任务变成一项休闲活动 还哼着一首相当生动的小曲

8. That's a fun little ditty about a man who loses his only family and has no reason to live.

那首幽默小曲寫的是一個失去唯一親人 且毫無理由再活下去的男人

9. Noone knows when it happened or who came up with the words but this little ditty caught on fast.

没人知道什么时候是谁想出的歌词 但这首小曲很快就传唱开来

10. It's this little hook, little ditty, that everybody knows but, actually, it's such an ingrained part of our popular culture, not just popular, but from before, and it will always be there.

只是人人皆知的一段小调 一首小曲 但实际上 它已经根深蒂固地 植入了我们的流行文化 不只是流行 而是从过去到未来永远流传



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

