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音标: 英 [ɒm'nɪpətəns] 美 [ɒm'nɪpətəns]

n. 全能, 无限力量, 全能之神
[医] 全能

n. the state of being omnipotent; having unlimited power


1. So your client isn't racist they're just omnipotent.

你的客户并不是种族主义者 他们只是无所不能

2. Perhaps her core desire is to be omnipotent.

也许她的核心 是无所不能

3. Well, you're a divine messenger with an omnipotent boss.

你不是个神之信使 傍着一个无所不能的老板吗

4. From my sky vessel, I shall rule omnipotent.

有飞船作我的王座 我的统治不可动摇

5. You felt that boundless power that comes with omnipotence.


6. Maybe he's not omnipotent, he's just been around so long, he knows everything.

或许他不是万能的 他只是存在了太长时间 所以才什么都知道

7. I am now nothing more than one of billions he will slaughter once he achieves omnipotence.

我现在不过是 他获得全力后 所要 的众生之一

8. The common impulse of biological lifeforms to attribute the origin of the universe to an omnipotent being is most curious.

生态体中间普遍存在的 将宇宙起源归功于一位 万能存在的冲动 真是令我好奇

9. Well, you might want to doublecheck your omnipotence because I'm not feeling that hopeful right now.

也许你要再次检查你的全能 因为我现在没什么希望

10. ...while they preach the supremacy of the state, declare its omnipotence over individual man and predict its eventual domination of all peoples on the earth.

只要他们继续鼓吹国家的至高无上 宣扬国家对于个体的无所不能 并预言它将最终 统治全人类



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

