中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['bekənŋ] 美 ['bekənŋ]

a. 引诱人的;令人心动的

v signal with the hands or nod
v appear inviting
v summon with a wave, nod, or some other gesture


1. The public beckoned me, and I was hesitant at first.

公众召唤了我 我一开始还有些犹豫

2. I see no reason to endanger myself when I have you at my beckoning.

既然有你供我使唤 我就没必要以身试险了

3. But the difference is that she thought hers had returned, that they were beckoning her.

但不同的是她以为她家人回来了 在向她招手

4. The day beckons. I'll, uh, be in the garden.

新的一天在招手 我去花园里了

5. I have beckoned them, every way I know how, because I had to be sure.

我用尽方法召唤它们 想确认一下

6. I'm talking about something that's probably beckoning you as we speak.


7. But despite the danger, the ocean is beckoning and the excitement is contagious.

尽管有危险 大海似乎在召唤着小企鹅们 而且这种兴奋会传染

8. You see, my new friend cast a beckoning spell on it.

瞧 我的新朋友在上面施了信标咒

9. The solar winds are my mistress, and I follow her wherever she beckons.

太阳风是我的女主人 我追随她的召唤

10. Now, this hand is the potty, beckoning the poopoos, and in they go.

看好 这只手当便盆 召唤着粑粑 粑粑就进来了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

