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音标: 英 [ji:st] 美 [jist]

n. 酵母
[化] 酵母

n. a commercial leavening agent containing yeast cells; used to raise the dough in making bread and for fermenting beer or whiskey
n. any of various single-celled fungi that reproduce asexually by budding or division


1. I was interested in yeast, and in my pocket I have some growing yeast.

我热衷于酵母 在我口袋里 有一些生长中的酵母

2. So that tells us an awful lot about the yeast and, no disrespect, you know an awful lot about yeast.

这告诉我们巨多关于酵母的问题 无意冒犯 你知道巨多关于酵母的知识

3. And the idea was that if there was a human gene that did the same job as the gene that's defective here, if the yeast took it up, then it could substitute the defective yeast gene.

我们的想法是 如果有人类基因 和这个有缺陷的基因做同样的工作 如果酵母吸收了它们 就可以替代有缺陷的酵母基因

4. And you don't want a yeast infection.


5. That's yeast and water, diesel on this side.

һ�߽�ĸ��ˮ һ���Dz���

6. Nice, got me when I yeast expected it.

很好 我一猜你就会这么说

7. So for the bread, I use my own vaginal yeast.

关于面包 我用我自己的 酵母菌

8. The organi that I'm particularly excited about are yeast cells.


9. That cools down the milk, but more importantly, it does not destroy the yeast.

这样可以给牛奶降温 更重要的是 不会破坏酵母

10. Because I really think she might have a yeast infection.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

