中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


pron. 其他人


1. Our actions to others, others to us.

不管是对他人 还是他人对我们

2. And trusts others to do the same, but others have eyes and ears.

就认为其他人也会 但其他人长眼长耳朵

3. It would be a little bit different, but they're evolved to learn from others and to communicate with others and to collaborate with others, and if there was noone there and no culture and no tools and no language, then that natural human intelligence just wouldn't develop.

可能会有些许差别 但他们进化到这一地步 目的就是要向他人学习 与他人交流合作 如果这孩子孤身一人 没有文明和工具 也没有语言 那他与生俱来的人类智力 就无法得到开发

4. Brazilian pilots and others who are near, some of them respond, others do not.

问巴西的车手或者其他附近的车手 有的人回答了我 有的人没有

5. One keeps you sharp, and the other's the other's a beer.

一罐提神 一罐是 啤酒

6. And more than the others, you have me in you.

比起其他人 你身上更有我的影子

7. You could be down there, with the others.

你可以下去 跟其他人一起

8. Not only to have more, but to have more than others.

不只想要拥有的更多 而是要比别人拥有的更多

9. others can't be saved, 'cause others are just plain evil.

有些则无药可救 因为他们纯粹是魔鬼

10. I mean, we doubled each other's joys, and we halved each other's sorrows.

我们增加了彼此的快乐 分担了彼此的伤心



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

