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音标: 英 ['vju:ɪŋ] 美 ['vju:ɪŋ]

[计] 可见的

n the display of a motion picture
n a vigil held over a corpse the night before burial
v deem to be
v look at carefully; study mentally
v see or watch


1. Thing about the view from here is, there is no view.

有关这里的风景就是 这里根本没有风景

2. Our view at home is just a painting of a view in the neighbor's apartment.

我们家唯一看得到的风景 就是邻居家里那幅风景画

3. Thus, our lookout has a view of the beach, but the beach has no view of him or us.

所以我们的哨兵能看到海滩 但海滩上的人却看不到我们

4. And to get a better view of the clearing, she's working from a viewing platform.

并确认以前获得的信息 她在这个眺望台上工作

5. And so, it is my view, the government's view, that it would be wise to contain this as soon as possible.

所以 依我之见 也是政府之见 越早把这事压下去越好

6. Well, back now from your point of view, which is back then from my point of view.

好吧 以你的視角說是現在 用我過去的視角說就是當時

7. My goal for each one of you is that you see the world with a new point of view, a point of view that we don't have.

我的目标就是让每个人都能以全新的视角 重新审视这个世界 能够看到我们看不到的东西

8. You know what's really ironic is that none of you have a point of view, but it's all the same in' point of view.

你们知道讽刺的是什么吗 你们没人有自己的观点 所有人的观点的相同

9. 宇航员 but also what it felt like to have the view, and that was so important to me to be able to share because the view is unimaginable.

凯迪·科尔曼 同时也展示了看到这种景色会有什么感觉 对我来说能分享给大众是十分重要的 因为这种景象真的很难想象得到

10. Ultimately, look, I have a simple view on this, just like I have a simple view on everything in life.

归根结底 听着 我只有一个简单的看法 就跟我看待生活中所有事情一样



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

