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音标: 英 [kraɪˈɒnɪks] 美 [kraɪˈɑnɪks]

n. 人体冷冻学

n. the freezing of a seriously ill or recently deceased person to stop tissues from decomposing; the body is preserved until new medical cures are developed that might bring the person back to life


1. But at this point, cryonics is nothing more than a fantasy.

但目前为止 人体冷冻还只是一个幻想

2. I'm all about the science, and not just cryonics, but biological immortality.

我在乎的是科学 不只是人体冷冻技术 还有生物的不死性

3. Testing cryonic suspension was both dangerous and illegal.

人体冷冻骤停试验十分危险 也是违法的

4. Our attorneys have decided the cryonics company's suit has no merit.

我们的律师说 人体冷冻公司的诉讼毫无根据

5. I was working with new methods, better methods of cryonic stabilization.

我在研发新技术 更好的人体冷冻稳定技术

6. As thanks, you will leave me one cartridge of your cryonic formula.

作为感谢 你要留下 一罐冷冻液给我

7. I wrote a book. I redirected profits from my companies into research and development of cryonics.

我写了本书 我把公司的利润 用于研究和发展人体冷冻法

8. Here I am desperately in need of his cryonic expertise, and he's going to make a house call.

我正急需他的人体冷冻专业知识呢 而他就要送上门了

9. Eternal meadows offers, through advanced cryonics, the chance of making infinite life extension a reality.

永恒天苑通过先进的人体冷冻技术 让无限的生命成为可能

10. cryonics involves taking an already dead body and putting it in liquid nitrogen, and there's no scientific merit whatsoever.

冷冻法则是将已无生机的尸体 放入液氮中 而且没有任何科学价值



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

