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音标: 英 [kəmˈpleɪsnsɪ] 美 [kəmˈplesənsɪ]

n. 满足, 自鸣得意, 自满

n. the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself


1. He knows you're with me, he won't be complacent.

他如果知道你和我一起 就不会露出破绽

2. And that's the problem with our society complacency.

而这正是我们社会的问题 自鸣得意

3. Yes, but there's a difference between complacency and contentment.

是的 但是自滿與知足 是有區別的

4. They seem intrigued, but we cannot become complacent.

他們看起來感興趣了 但我們不能自滿

5. I keep you complacent. I keep your eyes down.

我让你们保持自满 不抬眼看

6. This is the kind of complacency that got us where we are.

就是这种自鸣得意 让我们落到现在的地步

7. Yeah, reminds me not to get complacent.

是啊 时刻提醒我不要太过自满

8. He thrives on human selfinterest and bureaucratic complacency.

就因为人类的利己主义和官僚主义 才助长了他的气焰

9. That sounds a touch complacent, if you don't mind my saying so.

这听起来有点自满 希望你不介意我这么说

10. I see a rabble of complacent selfsatisfied narcissists.

我看到一群沾沾自喜的乌合之众 一群自鸣得意的自恋狂



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

