中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɡlen] 美 [ɡlɛn]

n. 峡谷, 幽谷

n. a narrow secluded valley (in the mountains)


1. glen, were you on the fifth? I was.

格伦 你唱的是五度吗 是的

2. glen, please don't tell me that you did this for me.

格伦 求你别告诉我 你是为了我才去参军的

3. glen and I were in the backyard, tinkering with his, breaking ball.

我和格伦在后院 在跟他玩 拐弯球

4. No, we're hemmed in by mountains and we're at the deep end of the glen.

没有 我们周围都是山 而且我们在峡谷最深处

5. glen lent us his car for our honeymoon.


6. As I've been walking up the glen, it's been hidden by the rounded flank of this hill.

我从峡谷走上来的时候 它被这座山圆润的侧面挡住了

7. glen. I must've spent six hours in the box.

格伦 我在监狱里被关了差不多六小时

8. glen, you have found things for me with far less to go on.

格伦 你找到的还远远不够

9. Scotland is a beautiful country its glens, its lochs, its mountains.

苏格兰是个美丽的国度 无论是它的峡谷 湖泊还是山脉

10. I now pronounce you queen of the forests and the glens and the fairies, queen baliwigger.

我现在宣布你是森林 峡谷 以及精灵的女王 巴里威格女王



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

