中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 波浪状的

n the act of signaling by a movement of the hand
v signal with the hands or nod
v move or swing back and forth
v move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion
v twist or roll into coils or ringlets
v set waves in


1. There was a wave, there wasn't a wave.

一会说浪很大 一会又说没浪

2. And then to be hit wave after wave after wave of just viciousness.


3. Catherine, he's waving at you, wave back.

凯瑟琳 他是在招手 跟他招一下

4. Well, because the light waves from the lamp are slower than the light waves from the window, and slower light waves go from yellow to orange to red, and faster light waves go from blue to violet.

因为灯泡里光的波速 低于窗户外光的波速 波速低的光分布从 到橙色再到红色 波速高的光分布从蓝色到紫色

5. If you've got short wave, long wave, dark wave, broadband, xband, two cups and a string, oke signals.

如果你有短波 长波 暗波 宽频 X频 杯子传声 烟幕信号

6. You know, it comes in waves waves of emotion.


7. Like when you wave to someone who you thought was waving to you, but they weren't.

就像你觉得某个人在跟你挥手 你也跟他挥手 但是他并没对你挥手

8. I wave to her every 20 minutes, and sometimes she waves back.

每20分钟我就冲她挥手 有时她会回应

9. So the reason I've brought us here is because although what you see behind us, these breaking waves, might seem remote and completely irrelevant for the cold winters that we've had, there is actually a deep underlying similarity between the breaking waves here and breaking waves really high in the atmosphere during these cold winter events.

所以我们到这里的原因是 虽然我们身后这些破碎浪 看起来似乎与我们的寒冬 相隔甚远且并无联系 但实际上这些水中的破碎浪 和高空中的破碎浪存在着 深层次的相似性 在这些寒冬的天气活动中也是如此

10. This blogger is making waves, beast waves, and we got to stop him before tomorrow.

这个博主在制造 关于野兽的 我们要在明天之前阻止他



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

