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音标: 英 [ˈwetlənd] 美 [ˈwɛtˌlænd]

n. 湿地, 沼泽地
[经] 湿地

n. a low area where the land is saturated with water


1. This is the largest and richest freshwater wetland on the planet.

这是地球上最大 最富饶的淡水湿地

2. whether we're in the marshy wetlands or the arid desert.


3. The next tour group to the wetlands begins at 11:30.


4. The biggest battle to safeguard these wetlands may still lie ahead.

保护这些湿地的最艰苦战役 可能尚未打响

5. Okay, I just need to make a quick pit stop on the way to the wetlands.

好 我只需在去湿地的路上 稍停一会儿

6. The further they were getting into the flooded wetlands, the more revealing the landscape was becoming, even to those who see the flood each year.

随着他们不断深入涨水的湿地 湿地的景色逐渐呈现在眼前 就连每年都经历洪水的人也为之惊叹

7. Their unique ability to catch slippery fish in these weedfilled ponds has allowed them to colonise these vast wetlands.

它們有一種獨特的能力 能在這些 長滿水草的池塘里抓到滑溜的魚 這使它們足以在這片廣袤的濕地上存活下來

8. California needs a leader who excels in both comedy and drama and who is beautiful in an approachable girlnextdoor way, and who will get all the criminals off the street while simultaneously finding a use for our wetlands.

加利福尼亚需要一个喜剧和戏剧都能演 貌美又容易搞定的妹子 一个能够通过大力开发女性湿地 从而阻止罪案发生的妹子

9. It's about hope, and freedom, and powerful lobbyists who pay me to elect a governor I can control so we can get legislation passed that allows them to build private prisons on what are now protected wetlands.

是希望 自由 还有那些强大的说客 付钱让我选出一位受我控制的州长 这样才能通过立法 允许他们在目前受保护的湿地上 建造私人监狱



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

