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音标: 英 [vaɪˈtælətɪ] 美 [vaɪˈtælɪtɪ]

n. 活力, 生命力
[医] 生机, 活力, 生活

n. an energetic style


1. I'm afraid that's vital. It's vital.

我认为这很重要 很重要

2. Having the spot the right size and the right shape is vital because, if it's not the same in our planning system that comes out of the nozzle, then the treatment that we give to our patients won't be what we intend to do, so it's vital, absolutely vital that we get it the right size and shape.

让照射区形成准确的尺寸和形状非常重要 因为如果它和规划系统里 端 出的质子束不一样的话 那我们对病人的治疗 将偏离预期 所以这很重要 让照射区形成准确的尺寸和形状非常重要

3. If my vitals don't remain, well, vital, this herbicide bomb will make nasty work of you and your pets.

如果我的生命体征停止了 这个除草剂炸弹就会让你和你的宠物们很痛苦

4. Whatever it was, his vitals are stable.

无论如何 他现在生命体征稳定

5. You fainted. I was checking your vitals.

你晕倒了 我在测你的脉搏

6. These scores are vital to your future.


7. What we do is not easy, but it is vital for the world.

我们所做的并不容易 但对这个世界至关重要

8. something vital for a leader to have.


9. Vitals are strong, but she's still out.

体征稳定 但她昏迷不醒

10. Her vitals are weak, but they're steady.

她的生理迹象虽然弱 但很稳定



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

