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音标: 英 [ˈbaʊəl] 美 [ˈbaʊəl, baʊl]

n. 肠, 内脏, 内部
vt. 挖...的内脏

n the part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus


1. A strangled bowel becomes a dead bowel, and a dead bowel becomes a dead patient.

缠绕的肠子过不了多久就会坏死 肠子坏死了 患者也没命了

2. The rest of the stomach remains in place and the first 50cms of your all bowel and that's why it's called the stomach bypass because we take the bottom bit of the all bowel and connect it to the all stomach and now food is bypassing the stomach and the first part of the all bowel.

剩余的胃部和小肠前50厘米的部分 依旧留在原先的位置 我们之所以称其为胃旁路术 是因为我们会将小肠的尾部 与较小部分的胃相连 因此 食物就不再经过 较大的胃和小肠的前部

3. That's the oesophagus or the gullet, that is the stomach and this is the all bowel and this is the large bowel.

这是我们的食道 这是胃 这是小肠 这是大肠

4. Which led to recurrent bowel obstruction and all bowel resection.

导致了复发性肠梗阻 和小肠切除

5. It could cut the bowel, and that would be serious.

万一它割开你的肠道 那问题就严重了

6. Let's get him out of here while the bowel still has some life in it.

趁肠子还活动我们快点 结束手术

7. And I've already checked the bowels of hell.

我去18层地狱查看过了 她不在那

8. No bowel movement, so his parents brought him in.

肠子停止蠕动 爸妈就把他送来医院了

9. We got caught in the bowels of the ship.


10. You, you're a devil sent from the bowels of hell.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

