中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [mɑ:tʃ] 美 [mɑrtʃ]

n. 三月, 进行, 行军, 步伐, 长途跋涉, 进行曲, 边界
vi. 进军, 前进, 交界
vt. 使行军, 使行进

n. the month following February and preceding April
n. the act of marching; walking with regular steps (especially in a procession of some kind)
n. a steady advance
n. a procession of people walking together


1. As soon as I march away, she marches in.

我前脚出征北上 她后脚就率军接管

2. She can decide not to march or march and be destroyed.

让她自己决定要放弃进攻 还是进攻去送死

3. I'm doing it and that's what I marched for.

我要这么做 这是我 的目的

4. Now you're gonna march back into that school, and then you're gonna march home.

你现在给我去学校 放学就回家

5. After breakfast the prisoners faced a oneandahalfhour march to the forest, then nine hours of hard labour logging, before the long march home.

早餐后 囚犯们要步行一个半小时到森林 然后是九小时的伐木苦工 再跋涉回营

6. Listen to me, I don't know what you thought marching in here was going to do other than piss me off, but you're going to march the hell back out because I have better things to do with my time than to explain to you how the world works.

听好了 我不知道你觉得跑来找我 除了惹我生气还能有什么用 但你给我从哪来回哪去 比起跟你解释普世真理 我有更重要的事要做

7. They will march in a column of, say, 7 inches across and clear out the all creatures that they prey in a particular area and march maybe for several days before they establish another bivouac and hunt again.

它们以不到20厘米宽的队列行进 扫荡某个区域 它们捕猎小型动物 持续行进数天 然后建立另一个营地并狩猎

8. We ought to march over there and pull them down ourselves.

应该得出去宣传 自己把旅客拉回来

9. He's over there, marching and being very angry.

他在那边 非常生气地走来走去

10. I want to march through walls, not under them.

我要踏着他们的城墙过去 而不是从地底下过去



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

