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音标: 英 [pəˈpri:kə] 美 [pæˈprikə, pə-, ˈpæprɪkə]

n. 红灯笼辣椒, 红椒色
[医] 辣椒

n. a mild powdered seasoning made from dried pimientos


1. I don't know what's in this but it is not paprika.

我不知道这是什么 但肯定不是辣椒粉

2. And then you just grind up the almonds with a little paprika.

然后把杏仁磨碎 和辣椒粉搅拌在一起

3. Then you'd be stuck with something that tastes like paprika.


4. My aunt was mixed with paprika, if you know what I mean.

我阿姨的骨灰和辣椒粉混合 你懂我意思吧

5. It is pork with a lot of paprika, pimenton, and a few other natural spices.

猪肉里面加了很多辣椒粉 还有一些天然香料

6. Oh, we can help too, but I'm taking the paprika, so no paprikash.

我们也能帮忙 但我拿着红辣椒粉 所以不吃红椒菜了

7. You need a fake mustache, a fistful of paprika, and a new passport.

给我一撮假胡子 一把辣椒粉 和一本新护照

8. Well, I'm hoping the paprika will mask the soup's celeryness.

我希望辣椒粉能掩盖 汤里的西芹味

9. Add oked paprika, chilli flakes and roughly chopped almonds.

加入熏制红辣椒粉 辣椒片 杏仁碎

10. Yeah, I'm gonna dust in a little bit of flour, and a touch of paprika, cayenne.

对 我要撒上些许面粉 少许红辣椒粉和卡宴辣椒



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

