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音标: 英 [prəˈtræktɪd] 美 [ proˈtræktɪd]

a. 拖延的

v lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer
s relatively long in duration; tediously protracted


1. I do. In fact, I happen to be in a protracted court battle about it.

我有 其实我碰巧 在打一个这样的官司 旷日持久

2. A protracted war could draw other nations to their cause.


3. These are rocks that were very, very strongly deformed over protracted periods of time.

这些岩石在长时间的作用下 变形得非常非常严重

4. Well, this lawsuit is going to be a protracted and timeconsuming ordeal.

这个官司会是一场 耗时的持久战

5. It creates expectations of protracted involvement and loss of life.

这个词容易让人联想起长期纠缠 和人员伤亡

6. From frostbite to protracted border disputes, hang gliding mishaps.

从冻伤 到漫长的边境纠纷 滑翔事故

7. That is a sex shop down the street with whom we're currently in a protracted legal battle.

那是街对面一家性用品店的名字 我们正在和他们进行一场旷日持久的诉讼

8. All you could do is start a long, protracted di issal hearing, which would rely on your word against mine.

你别无选择 只能开一场 漫长的 拖拖拉拉的解职听证会 而这事只能由我们俩的发言来决定

9. So we don't waste our energy getting bogged down in a protracted land engagement when we're outgunned and outmanned.

那我们就不要浪费精力 在火力和人数 均处于劣势的情况下 和他战斗

10. Without my connections and deep pockets, you run the risk of losing it all in a protracted legal battle.

没有我的关系和雄厚的财力 在一场旷日持久的法律战中 你可能会失去一切



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

