中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [gɪlt] 美 [ɡɪlt]

n. 罪行, 内疚
[法] 罪, 犯罪, 罪行

n. the state of having committed an offense
n. remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offense


1. But I'll feel the guilt inside the guilt for having left.

但我会在心里感到愧疚 离开的愧疚

2. twinge of guilt, twinge of guilt, trying to remember, no.

内疚 内疚啊 我想想 没有

3. I don't have white guilt I have the right level of white guilt.

我没有白人负罪感 哪怕我有权这么做

4. He really, it was guilt, and he was a big man for guilt, but it didn't make any difference.

他真的感到愧疚 他是个心怀愧疚的大人物 但这并没什么差别

5. You guilted me into this date, and now you think you can guilt me into sticking with it.

你们利用我的愧疚逼我参加约会 现在你们认为可以继续用这招让我坚持下去

6. So I had the guilt of driving, the guilt of losing my hu and and my son losing his father.

我的愧疚包括 开车出车祸 失去了我丈夫 还有我儿子失去了父亲

7. They come to me beaten down, broken, full of guilt for the things they've done wrong and I take that guilt from them.

他們來找我的時候 抑郁 崩潰 因為曾經的錯事充滿愧疚 而我幫他們帶走愧疚

8. But she is your friend and she was wracked with guilt, guilt that I now feel, because, as events would have it, you are, thankfully, mercifully and blessedly, my wife.

但她是你的朋友 并一直心怀愧疚 我现在也颇为愧疚 因为事到如今 谢天谢地 我是毕生有幸 神灵眷顾 你是我的妻子了

9. My guilt is my own and that I carry with me.


10. You guilt me into doing something that I shouldn't be doing.

你们总是利用我的愧疚感让我 去做一些我根本不该做的事



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

