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音标: 英 ['baɪɪŋ] 美 ['baɪɪŋ]

[经] 买气; 买进

n. the act of buying


1. You don't want to buy here, don't buy here.

你要是不想在这儿买 就别买

2. I don't buy it, your audience doesn't buy it.

我不相信 你的观众也不相信

3. Remember: they are not buying your proprietary trading platform, they are not buying your strategies, they are buying you.

记住 他们要买的不是你们的资产交易平台 他们要买的不是你们的战术 他们要买的是你们

4. I know where you can buy engines, where you buy petrol, where you buy life jackets.

我知道去哪里买发动机 买汽油 去哪里买救生衣

5. I let her buy my forgiveness, buy me, over and over.

我成全她用钱买取宽恕 挽回我 一次又一次

6. He's buying haddock, he's buying... it doesn't matter.

他买了黑线鳕鱼 买了...无所谓了

7. I didn't ask you to buy that. I didn't ask you to buy all this.

我没让你买那个 我没让你买这些

8. I could buy anything, but I couldn't buy time.

我可以买下任何东西 却买不来时间

9. Can't buy me, so they try and buy a brother.

收买不了我 就想收买我的兄弟

10. Sorry, baby. I'm not buying. I'm not asking you to buy.

对不起 我不相信你 我不是求你相信



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

