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音标: 英 [ˈsteɪtwaɪd] 美 [ˈstetˌwaɪd]

a. 全州的, 遍及全州的

s. occurring or extending throughout a state


1. And then I crossreferenced it with the statewide database.


2. But coming off a presidential, these statewides seem so simple.

经过了总统选举 这些州级的感觉简单多了

3. We've locked down the town and put out a statewide alert.

我们已经封锁了小镇 也发布了全州通告

4. We have the space, resources, and contact lists you don't have for a statewide fight.

我们有地方 有资源还有你们没有的 在全州进行斗争所需的联系人名单

5. Yes, and the boy has been a statewide priority since he was taken.

是的 那个男孩从被绑架开始 就已经成了全州范围内的首要任务

6. No, even if that were statewide, every station our size has its own generator, so..

不 就算全州停电 跟我们规模相当的电台都有发电机 所以...

7. With your permission, we'd like to take the lead in pushing your program statewide.

在你允许的条件下 我们希望能将你的方法在全州推广

8. Despite these statewide efforts the suspect has eluded law enforcement.

虽然有全州上下的努力 但疑犯依然逍遥法外

9. I know from a source that the kingpin is planning a statewide argyle meth distribution.

我从线报得知有罪犯团伙 正计划全州散播菱形纹冰毒

10. Unfortunately, no, but we checked records at every hospital, statewide, going back six months.

还没有 但我们已经查了全州所有医院 之前六个月内的记录



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

