中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['vɒləntrɪ] 美 [ˈvɑlənˌtɛrɪ]

a. 自动的, 自愿的, 故意的, 志愿的, 自发的
n. 自愿行动, 志愿者, 自由调

n. composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument (especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a religious service or musical performance
a. of your own free will or design; done by choice; not forced or compelled
a. controlled by individual volition


1. Uh, increased security for the voluntary pat downs at the entrance, which as we know, are only technically voluntary, plus, uh, another ten uniforms and plainclothes outside the building.

增加在入口处负责搜身的安保人员 但要注意 不要强行搜身 再在会厅周围增派 十名制服警察和便服警察

2. This this is all about voluntary respiration.


3. but it's time to be brave. It isn't voluntary.

但你必须鼓起勇气 这不是我能控制的

4. As long as it's voluntary and temporary.

只要这是自愿的 是暂时的就行

5. You know what? I'm not into this whole voluntary thing.

听着 什么志愿服务的听着我很闹心

6. But I want to be crystal clear; this is voluntary.

但我得表明在先 这纯属自愿行为

7. Purely voluntary it won't be something you have to disclose.

你自己决定 你可以不告诉别人

8. He's not forcing my hand. It's strictly voluntary.

他没逼我 这是完全自愿的

9. This is a voluntary interview... It wasn't even my idea.

接受询问是自愿的 那根本不是我的主意

10. And it's voluntary, so only the cool kids are gonna be there.

这是纯自愿属性的 所以只有 的人才会在



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

