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音标: 英 [ˌsaɪkəʊˈθerəpɪ] 美 [ˌsaɪkoʊˈθerəpɪ]

n. 精神疗法, 心理疗法
[医] 精神疗法, 心理疗法

n. the branch of psychiatry concerned with psychological methods
n. the treatment of mental or emotional problems by psychological means


1. And I would try the meds and the psychotherapy along with it.


2. So I just pulled out my standard playbook meds, psychotherapy.

所以我就按照所谓的程序来了 用药 心理治疗

3. Hopefully over time she'll respond to a combination of drugs and psychotherapy.

希望经过一段时间的药物和心理 综合治疗 她能恢复正常

4. Suleika had a modest overweight problem, cured by a course of psychotherapy.

苏莱卡有轻微的超重问题 通过参加心理治疗 解决了她的问题

5. I recommend to all of my residents as part of their training that they undergo some form of psychotherapy.

我交付给我所有住院医生一件事 也是作为他们训练的一部分 就是他们必须经历一些心理疗法

6. Right now, all I can do is get back into intensive psychotherapy.

目前我所能做的一切就是 继续去做加强的心理治疗

7. So I'm thinking our best approach would be a course of both medicationa serotonin reuptake inhibitor and psychotherapy.

我认为最好的办法就是 既用药物治疗 即血清素再摄取抑制物 又进行心理治疗

8. Something that was noticed here in the '90s of the last century is that psychotherapy was not helpful for any alleviation of the gender dysphoria in these adolescents.

他们在上世纪九十年代就发现 精神疗法对于青少年的性别焦虑症 并不会有丝毫的减缓作用

9. We do, like, intense psychotherapy for two years, five days a week, break down your walls, push past your rationalizations and defenses.

我们进行密集的心理治疗 用两年时间 每周五天 打破你内心的防线 绕过你的理性与防卫



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新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

