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音标: 英 [ˌkaʊntə'mɑ:nd] 美 [ˈkaʊntɚˌmænd, ˌkaʊntɚˈmænd]

vt. 取消, 撤回, 下命令召回
n. 收回命令, 取消命令

n. a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command


1. And I'm countermanding them on my authority.

我撤销你的命令 这是我的命令

2. I'm not looking for a countermand, dear.

我想做的不是撤销指令 小可爱

3. You overstepped, and you countermanded a direct order.

你越界了 还违抗了命令

4. Don't ever countermand an order an attending gives to one of my residents.

绝对不可以反对 主治医师对我的实习生下的命令

5. I suggest you leave the premises until I can get an order from a countermanding authority.

在我没接到取消调查指令前 我建议你们撤出房子

6. Enoch, I need you to do something for me, but it is going to require countermanding an order I gave you.

伊诺克 我需要你为我做件事 但这会有违 我给你下过的一个命令

7. The safety lock automatically returns the machine to its starting date, unless you have this key to countermand the device.

安全锁能自动 让机器回到出发日期 除非你有这把钥匙废除这装置

8. Just so you know, this action can only be countermanded by someone of requisite rank who is fully on top of the facts not playing catchup from a chipmunk.

告诉你们一声 此次活动只能由 身居要职且完全掌握 案件情况的人撤销 而不是那些追着花栗鼠玩闹的人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

