中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['bætn] 美 [ˈbætn]

n. 板条, 木板
[机] 夹板, 撑条

n. a strip fixed to something to hold it firm
v. furnish with battens
v. secure with battens


1. He's battened down the hatches, but he is there.

他隐蔽起来了 但肯定就在那

2. Even with that absurd marshal's batten in your hand.


3. For the rest of the shift, we are gonna batten down the hatches.

在剩下的时间里 我们要什么都做到最好

4. So batten down your hatches, it's gonna be a rough one.

天气恶劣 请大家务必关紧门窗

5. And the idea of talking in front of your parents has you battening down the hatches.

而在你父母面前说话 让你浑身僵硬

6. In the unlikely event that something happens, we batten down the hatches.

为了防止万一有事发生 我们得未雨绸缪

7. Oh, okay, well, I'll batten down the sexual hatches.

好吧 我把 舱门盖好

8. You just want to batten hatches and weather the storm alone.

你只想独自做好准备 经受考验

9. I grew up with three sisters and a mother in the house, so, we had to batten down the hatches.

我在三个姐姐和我妈四个女人的包围下长大 所以我不得不一直未雨绸缪

10. you're just going to have to batten down the hatches and finish what you started here, my friend.

你最好做好准备 结束你开始的事 我的朋友



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

