中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ju:nɪsn] 美 [ˈjunɪsən, -zən]

n. 调和, 和谐, 一致, 齐唱, 齐奏
a. 共同做的, 同声的

n. corresponding exactly
n. occurring together or simultaneously
n. (music) two or more sounds or tones at the same pitch or in octaves


1. Uninspired but walking in unison, I guess.


2. And the only way that we are gonna survive is by acting in unison.

只有相互合作 我们才能活下来

3. If you don't fight in unison, your numbers become my advantage.

如果你们不配合攻击 人多反而会成为我的优势

4. They're spread out and waiting to ram the barricades in unison.

他们现在分散开来 等着同时冲击路障

5. And they, uh, they spoke in unison, but like it was coming from one mind.

他们还异口同声地说话 但那些话好像出自一个人之口

6. I've modified my field generators to act in unison as a quantumfield disrupter.

我把我的磁场发生器 改造成了多个同步的量子场

7. a cadence, a rhythm, uh, something to walk in unison, like in the military.

一个节奏或是节拍 能让步伐一致 像军队那样

8. And disco hits don't become hits unless all the fairies wave their wands in unison.

只有当这些仙子一起挥舞他们的魔杖的时候 迪斯科热曲才能真正地叫做热曲

9. Like a great swarm of insects shouting to one another, or a thousand trumpets blaring in unison trying to flatten the world into powder.

好似一大群蟲子在沖著彼此叫嚷 或是上千個小號在一起使勁吹 想把這世界碾成粉末



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


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