中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [əd'mɪtɪd] 美 [əd'mɪtɪd]

a. 被承认了的, 公认的

v declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of
v allow to enter; grant entry to
v allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of
v admit into a group or community
v afford possibility
v give access or entrance to
v have room for; hold without crowding
v serve as a means of entrance


1. So you admit it. I don't admit a thing.

所以你承认了 我什么都没承认

2. If he believes you should be admitted, you should be admitted.

要是他觉得你该住院 你就该住院

3. We do not want to admit this, and we do not admit it.

我们不想承认这一点 也不会承认

4. Okay, I'll admit that, if you admit you were jealous.

好吧 你承认你嫉妒 我就承认

5. Fine, don't admit it to me, but at least admit it to yourself.

行吧 不用对我承认 但至少对自己承认吧

6. I admit, I do admit there are holes but I am so, so very close. I am so close.

我承认 我承认这里的确有漏洞 但我真的很接近了 真的很接近

7. So just admit that you're the problem like I admitted that I wasn't.

你就承认问题出在自己身上吧 就像我承认自己没错一样

8. To be there more than she would ever admit, and longer than she would ever admit she needed him.

也许她不会说出来 但她无比能一直陪伴她的父亲

9. Because he's not here, I'll admit it.

因为他不在这里 我必须要承认

10. They've either denied or admitted insufficient knowledge to admit or deny each complaint.

他们既没有否认事实也没有表示 因证据不足而承认或反对诉讼



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

