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音标: 英 [ˌɑ:mə'dɪləʊ] 美 [ˌɑrməˈdɪlo]

n. 犰狳
[医] 南美犰狳

n. burrowing chiefly nocturnal mammal with body covered with strong horny plates


1. That's... that's his signature move, the armadillo curtain.

那 那是他的招牌动作 犰狳屏障

2. We have a saying in texas "don't blame the armadillo.

德州有句俗话 别怪犰狳

3. And then you've got the armadillo, the bat and the horse.

这里是犰狳 蝙蝠和马的

4. Not yet, but I will in two armadillo blinks of an eye.

还没有 但我能瞬间搞定

5. It is, humans and armadillos are the only animals that can get leprosy.

是的 人类和犰狳 是唯二会感染麻风病的动物

6. You know, it's just that I approach conflict like an armadillo.


7. Now, in this skeleton of an armadillo, you can see that we've got the same bones.

在这具犰狳的骨骼里 你能看到与之前功能相同的骨头

8. And we can bring in a skeleton of an armadillo to have a look in a bit more detail.

我们现在用一副犰狳的骨骼 来进一步观察下细节

9. With all these other groups of animals, we found connections between humans and bats and horses and armadillos.

我们发现人类 和其他动物群体 蝙蝠 马以及犰狳之间都有联系

10. So, how amazing to find all those hidden similarities between the horse and the human and the armadillo and the bat.

多么神奇 在马 人类 犰狳和蝙蝠中 找到这么多隐藏的相似之处



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

