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音标: 英 [krɒp] 美 [krɑ:p]

n. 农作物, 产量, 平头
vt. 收割, 修剪, 种植
vi. 收获
[计] 裁剪

n. the yield from plants in a single growing season
n. a cultivated plant that is grown commercially on a large scale
n. a collection of people or things appearing together
n. the output of something in a season


1. The thing is, if you bail now, crops don't get in the truck, the truck doesn't deliver the crops, and so on.

如果你现在不干 那谁把蔬菜搬上卡车 蔬菜上不了卡车就送不出去 然后

2. It's the crucial final crop of our season and this is probably the very last jar of last season's heather, so I hope there's many more from this season's crop.

这是采蜜季最后也是最重要的蜂蜜 这很可能是去年留下的 最后一罐帚石楠蜜 我希望今年能收获更多

3. Unlike traditional agriculture, a controlled indoor environment is not susceptible to crop loss from severe weather conditions nor is it limited by seasonal crop production.

与传统农业不同 受到调控的室内环境 不会因极端天气而造成作物减产 也不会使作物生产受到季节的限制

4. So... by tapping into the spring here, your crops will irrigate automatically, which will subsequently cut down on manhours by 43 percent and increase your crop yield by 56.7 percent.

把泉水引进来 就能够自动灌溉庄稼 可以减少43%的工时 增加56.7%的作物产量

5. And then there's the cream of the crop.


6. I've been in search of the cream of the crop.


7. We lost most of these crops to an infestation.


8. Until we used it against them to harvest the crops.

直到我们为了收获庄稼 而用火攻击了它们

9. The photographer cropped you out because you were being a dick.

摄影师把你裁掉了 因为你实在太讨人厌了

10. They pollinate over 80% of our crops.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

