中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['sævənt] 美 [sæˈvɑnt]

n. 学者, 专家

n someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field


1. I'm beginning to think he's a savant.


2. Oh, my god, you're, like, a steak savant.

天呐 你可真是烤牛排专家

3. He was gifted, a savant of governmentsanctioned mass killing.

他富有天赋 曾是政府批准的大规模杀伤性武器的专家

4. Well, tell them I'm an idiot savant or something.

就跟他们说我是个 天才什么的

5. Thanks, but he already thinks I'm a basketball savant.

谢了 不过他已经认为我是个篮球专家

6. And then you will all look like savants instead of savages.

这样你们看上去就不会像野蛮人 而是学者

7. Well, clearly, I am in the presence of a craft beer savant.

显然 我正面对一位啤酒专家

8. For all you know, I could be a savant programmer who got screwed after my startup went bust.

你要知道 我也有可能是个 创业失败破产了的天才程序员呢

9. 100 savants will read your work, maybe 10 will understand it.

一百名学者会去研读 可能只有十个能够读懂

10. Yes, he has auti , but he also has savant syndrome geniuslevel skills in several areas.

他确实有自闭症 但他也有学者综合征 在多个方面有超乎常人的能力



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

