中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [met] 美 [mɛt]

[化] 甲硫氨酸; 蛋氨酸

v come together
v get together socially or for a specific purpose
v be adjacent or come together
v fill or meet a want or need
v satisfy a condition or restriction
v satisfy or fulfill
v collect in one place
v get to know; get acquainted with
v meet by design; be present at the arrival of
v contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle
v experience as a reaction
v undergo or suffer
v be in direct physical contact with; make contact


1. I've met both of those gentlemen. I've met their wives.

我见过他们两位 还有他们的妻子

2. And I met people I would have never met before.


3. You've met my son and I've met zero on your side.

你见过我儿子 可我没见过你那边的人

4. I thought you never met her. I met the grandma.

你不是跟她素昧平生吗 但我见过她外婆

5. It's where we're all from. It's where they met.

我们的老家 也是他们相识的地方

6. even met the guy. even met the guy.

从没见过面 从没见过面

7. But then I met you, and here we are.

直到遇到你 就走到了现在这一步

8. If you two hadn't met each other, you would have met other people, and you'd be saying you'd be destined to be with them.

如果你们当初没遇到彼此 就会遇到其他人 然后也会说你们是命中注定跟他们在一起的

9. There are some of you that I haven't met before.


10. Some folks met one some folks met the other one.

有些人见过一个 有些人见过另一个



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

