中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['stɪŋə] 美 ['stɪŋə]

n. 刺激者, 讽刺者

n. a cocktail made of made of creme de menthe and brandy
n. a remark capable of wounding mentally
n. a portable low altitude surface-to-air missile system using infrared guidance and an impact fuse; fired from the shoulder


1. But there were no stingers in the body and no dead bees in the car.

但是尸体上没有蜂刺 车里也没有死蜜蜂

2. stingers, but those were restricted from going to our foreign allies.

毒刺 但是那些是禁止 提供给外国盟友的

3. If you see any stingers, lead 'em back here.

看到肉刺怪 把它们引过来

4. We may be taking the stinger out of this operation soon.


5. and a mouth full of stingers instead of teeth.

嘴里塞满了脏东西 满嘴是刺

6. Vestibular enlargement is palpable, but, as yet, no stinger has developed.

耳前庭出现了明显的扩张 但目前尚未出现肉刺

7. I'm sure they'll come up with a reasonable explanation for the stingers in his arms.

我确定他们肯定能找出 一个合理的原因来解释他手臂上的刺

8. She jabs him with her stinger, and he goes as limp as a boned fish.


9. But when a honeybee stings, the stingers are literally torn from their abdomen, and they die.

但是当蜜蜂蜇人时 它们的蜂刺会从腹部被扯出 然后它们就会死

10. A whole new set of organs has generated to propel this stinger.

为了使这根肉刺活动 已经形成了一套新的器官



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

