中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈlʊərɪd] 美 [ˈlʊrɪd]

a. 火烧似的, 苍白的, 华丽的, 可怕的

s. horrible in fierceness or savagery
s. glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism
s. shining with an unnatural red glow as of fire seen through smoke
s. ghastly pale


1. So this is where you research all your lurid articles.


2. But before you call around town with more lurid lies about me, here.

在你满城散布 更多关于我的谣言之前 给你

3. A lurid little story about a certain candidate and her throuple.

一个花边消息 关于一位候选人玩三人行的事

4. And because you're in a deep and meaningful relationship, you told him the truth, with all the lurid details.

而因为你正处于一段意味深长的关系中 所以你告诉了他真相 包括所有可怕的细节

5. We're not gonna help you harass our families, not over some lurid story from a young man who got drunk.

我们是不会帮你们去滋扰这些家庭的 就为一个醉酒的年轻人 耸人听闻的故事

6. Believe me, I will do everything within my power to persuade the court that, after all the publicity you've received, the torrent of lurid articles, people selling their stories, you stand no chance whatsoever of a fair trial.

相信我 我会竭尽全力 说服法庭 经过大量的曝光 一系列耸人听闻的文章 众人兜售的各种故事 你根本无法获得公正的审判



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

