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vt. 对…做景观美化, 给…做园林美化(landscape的过去式与过去分词形式)

s. (of land) improved by gardening or landscape architecture


1. Literally the dynamic life of animals, and to contain all these rollicking adventures, the format of the paintings had now to be a landscape, a landscape of dream and magic.

这是真实动物的生命活力 为了涵盖这么多喧闹欢乐的冒险 画作的版式现在成了一幅风景 这是梦和魔法的风景

2. For me, there's a clear sense that the exterior, the landscape, is something that helps us to begin to identify what our inner landscape is actually like and what that tells us.

对我来说 我感觉 身外的景物与风光 可以帮助我们 开始去认识自己的心境 并探知它想传递给我们的信息

3. Absolutely right. I won't say they're preached, because that wasn't the point of them, but they gave people a solid basis for who they were, where they were, the landscape they belonged to, and if you don't take care of this landscape, you're gonna starve, you'll die.

完全正确 我不认为这是一种说教 因为这不是他们的目的 但这能让人知道自己所为何人 所在何处 他们所属的这片土地 如果你没有把这里照料好 你会挨饿 死去

4. 《一个梦》 who also doesn't make it out, and it's again an aerial view of an imaginary landscape of trees and mountains, but the imaginary landscape is made from a piece of official filing paper of some sort, and dates and columns.

埃利安娜·曼德洛娃 她也没能幸存 同样也是一幅鸟瞰图 描绘了一片幻想中有山有树的风景 但是这片幻想风景是由办公填表用纸之类的 纸张制作的 有日期和表格

5. Imagine if you have heavy rainfall, rainfall over hundreds of years, the landscape gets progressively eroded and what happens is all that rushing water erodes into the landscape and carves deep canyons and valleys.

想象一场巨大的降雨 持续了几百年的降雨 地表被逐渐腐蚀 接下来发生的就是这些涌动的水流 侵蚀地表 蚀刻出深邃的峡谷和山谷

6. The worst thing about a job interview is that it is likely to fill you with despair, whether you are di issed immediately and find yourself wandering unemployed across a desolate landscape, weeping and moaning, or whether you are hired, and find yourself wandering across that same desolate landscape, weeping and moaning in exchange for a salary.

工作面试最糟糕的一点是 它很容易让你满心绝望 不论你是马上被打发走 无业地在荒芜之地 到处游荡 哭泣 哀嚎 还是你被雇用了 然后在同一片荒芜之地游荡 哭泣 哀嚎 就为了得到一份工资

7. And that, too, has transformed the landscape.


8. He used to do landscaping for my family.


9. Well ,that's up to the landscape community.


10. Perhaps that's why I don't get landscapes.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

