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音标: 英 [flɪntʃ] 美 [flɪntʃ]

vi. 畏缩, 退缩, 畏首畏尾
n. 退缩, 弗林奇戏

v. draw back, as with fear or pain


1. I didn't flinch that time. I did not flinch.

我没有退缩 我没有退缩

2. But remember, the more you flinch, the more points we get, so please don't flinch.

但是记住 你越退缩 我们得到的分数越多 所以请不要退缩

3. And remember, it's simple, the more you flinch, the more points we get, so don't flinch.

记住 规则很简单 你越退缩 我们得到的分数越多 所以不要退缩

4. It's simple, you flinch, we get a point and one of us at the end will face a flinch forfeit.

很简单 你们退缩我们就获得分数 最后 我们中的一个将面临退缩惩罚

5. Because you would have flinched, and I'm not that good a shot.

因为我担心你会躲开 而我枪法不是很准

6. For the record, it didn't even flinch.

顺便告诉你们 它躲都没躲

7. Ask anything of me and I'll not flinch, but not that.

你让我做什么都行 绝不退缩 但别让我离开你

8. You wouldn't have flinched or hedged your bets.


9. Even when you missed, you didn't flinch.

即便你瞄不准 你都没有退缩

10. You did not flinch at a chainsaw, which is amazing.

你没有在电锯前退缩 太神奇了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

