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音标: 英 [ˌseməˈli:nə] 美 [ˌsɛməˈlinə]

n. 粗粒小麦粉

n. milled product of durum wheat (or other hard wheat) used in pasta


1. Tobacco, curd soap, licorice and a hint of sweet semolina pudding.

烟草 盐析皂 甘草 还有一丝甜小麦粉布丁的味道

2. My next recipe is a delicious flourless cake, using grounds almonds and semolina instead.

在接下来的节目里 我将用杏仁粉和粗面粉代替白面粉 为大家呈上一款美味的蛋糕

3. Now, I've got some semolina going in there as a little bit of crunch to it, little bit of depth and body.

我要加一点粗拉面粉 让它变粗一点 一点嚼劲和颗粒感

4. Me, boiled potatoes, boiled veg, boiled beef, and then tapioca pudding or semolina, if was lucky, with a dollop of jam.

煮土豆 煮牛肉 煮蔬菜 然后是西米布丁 或者通心粉 抹层果酱都算走运的

5. For crispy roast potatoes you can depend on, my tip is to parboil them, leave them to steam dry, then sprinkle them with semolina or flour and give them a good roughing up.

要制作表皮香脆的烤土豆 我建议先煮至半熟 捞出后晾干 洒上粗粒小麦粉或面粉 摇晃一下 使粉类均匀覆盖



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

