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音标: 英 [kəˈlɒstəmɪ] 美 [kəˈlɑ:stəmɪ]

n. 结肠开口术
[医] 结肠造口术

n. a surgical operation that creates an opening from the colon to the surface of the body to function as an anus


1. But if we do the colostomy, we may not really be helping him.

可如果我们给他做了结肠造口术 这根本不是在帮他

2. I had to wear a colostomy bag and then I realized who I was.

我不得不用上 袋 然后我才意识到我是谁

3. We need your permission to perform an emergency colostomy.


4. That's enough to deal with without a colostomy bag.

已经够他应付的了 不需要结肠造口袋

5. I told him to pull over cause I was having a problem with my colostomy bag.

我讓他停車 因為我的結腸瘺袋出了點問題

6. It's always my fault, like I'm making her wear a colostomy bag.

什么都是我的错 搞得好像是我让她戴着那个结肠瘘袋一样

7. Oh, hey, that thing with my grandpa and the colostomy bag totally worked.

那个我祖父和结肠的事 真的有用

8. Howard might not need the colostomy if we give him a fecal microbiota transplant.

如果我们为霍华德进行粪便菌群移植 或许他就不用做结肠造口术了

9. And in six months, you'll be rotting in a wheelchair like a vegetable with a colostomy bag trailing behind you.

不用半年 你就会像菜叶一样烂在轮椅上 身上还拖着个人工 袋

10. We're gonna have to perform a colostomy where we attach an ostomy pouching system to your abdomen to collect waste from your body.

我们得做一个结肠造口术 将造瘘袋系统连接到你的腹部 来收集你体内的排泄物



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

