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音标: 英 ['mɪnɪskju:l] 美 ['mɪnəˌskju:l]

a. (=minuscule)草写小字的, 小字的

s very small


1. We accept you for your miniscule manhood.


2. I will notice. It's a miniscule cut.

我会注意到 只是个极小的伤痕

3. He expertly exploited a miniscule point of failure.

他十分专业地 利用了这虚毫之差

4. I suppose the circle was even more miniscule than you realized.


5. You know, the circle of people who know about our past is miniscule.

知道我们 这段过去的人很少

6. I couldn't trust you to do the right thing, with your bleeding hearts and miniscule minds.

我就知道我无法相信你们会做对的事 用你们那软心肠和草包脑袋

7. Look, if we want more plutonium, we have to prove that we know what we're doing with this miniscule amount we have.

如果我们想得到更多的钚 就得用手里现有的 微量的钚证明我们的理论

8. It is simply too all to be perceived, but don't be fooled, for this miniscule device contains multitudes.

它小到你看不见 但你可别被它骗了 这微型装置里藏着大家伙

9. I mean, we could get at the whole tumor, but the damage is so extensive the odds of reimplantation are miniscule.

那样我们可以移除整个肿瘤 但是损失太大了 把心脏重新移植回去的成功几率太小了

10. Just you and the violin in a all studio making the most miniscule progress every day... of your life.

小小的工作室里 日夜与琴为伴 日复一日 在音乐道路上举步维艰



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

