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音标: 英 [ˌpɜ:mjuˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˌpɜ:rmjuˈteɪʃn]

n. 交换, 更动, 排列
[计] 排列

n. the act of changing the arrangement of a given number of elements
n. complete change in character or condition
n. act of changing the lineal order of objects in a group


1. So, I removed any permutations that wouldn't work with that theory.

所以 我排除了所有 不符合电话号码规则的排列

2. Uh, the evidence is congruent with too many permutations.


3. It's time to join the human race, in all its permutations.

该回到人类生活中来了 不管以何种方式

4. To find the permutations, they're subtracted from one another.

要找到数位排列 要将数字相减

5. I've studied every permutation, and black is vulnerable no matter what you do.

我计算了所有的路数 不管你怎么走 黑棋都输定了

6. Married up various permutations to get maximum potential.

期望通过多种组合的杂交 来发掘最大的潜力

7. God lights the way for me, so that I can see all the angles and permutations.

上帝为我指明了道路 让我能看清各种因果报应

8. Assuming the incorrect dates in your files are the only numbers that mattered, I ran the permutations.

假设文件中只有这些日期不正确的 才有意义 然后我排列了一下

9. Her mind churns with the permutations of what happened in this church when her twin when on his slaughter spree.

这教堂内发生的惨剧 她胞弟大开杀戒的画面 在她脑海中翻腾交织

10. This permutation of the formula determines the optimal time to start an armed conflict.

这个方程式的变换决定了发动武装冲突的 最优时间



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

