中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈʌnˈwɒʃt] 美 [ʌnˈwɑʃt, -ˈwɒʃt]

a. 未洗的, 不洁的, 平民百姓的

s. not cleaned with or as if with soap and water


1. Nobody cared when he was killing the unwashed masses.


2. Working for nothing, helping the great unwashed.

说你工作没意义 帮助什么不洁之人

3. Saturdays are very much happening for the great unwashed.

星期六对于底层员工来说 要加的班多着呢

4. A place teeming with the sweat and secretions from hundreds of unwashed bodies.

这里布满着汗水与上百个 没清洗过的肉体身上的分泌物

5. Excuse me. I'm not about to take diplomacy lessons from a diseased, unwashed... you know.

不好意思 我可不想向一个生病的 没洗过澡的人学习外交课程

6. Research up top, emergency room and the great unwashed down at street level.

研究所在高层 急诊室和平头百姓去的地方则在沿街的低层

7. Maybe not, but that little unwashed face and last night's clothes owes to something.

也許吧 但你那張沒洗的臉 和沒換過的衣服說明了一些問題

8. I am no longer fettered by the necessity to visit stinky malls and rub shoulders with the great unwashed.

我不用再受必须出门购物的束缚 在脏乱的商场和下层民众摩肩接踵

9. When fire rains down on the unwashed masses, you and your families will be safely squirreled away in a network of luxury fallout shelters.

当炼狱之火吞没平民 你们和家人将会被安全地转移到 一系列奢华的地下避难所



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

