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音标: 英 [ˌæstrəʊ'fɪzɪkl] 美 [ˌæstroʊ'fɪzɪkəl]

a. 天体物理学的

a. of or concerned with astrophysics


1. She studied astrophysics before becoming a nurse.

她在成为 之前学的是天体物理学

2. Initially, I thought I was dealing with quantum astrophysics.


3. I saw the astrophysics lab has an exhibit on vintage spacesuits.

我看到天体物理实验室 在展出老式宇航服

4. Cole was a fine mathematician, but astrophysics wasn't really his field.

科尔是个优秀的数学家 但天体物理学不是他的专业

5. I mean, I just don't appreciate being talked down to, especially about astrophysics.

我不喜欢把事情说得过于简化 尤其是天体物理学

6. Your sister is dating a professor of astrophysics, and he's coming here today to meet us.

你姐姐在跟一个天体物理学教授交往 他今天要来见我们

7. I do have a master's degree in astrophysics, so the whole concept of multiple universes isn't that bizarre.

我可是有天体物理学硕士学位的 所以整个多元宇宙的概念 对我来说并不奇怪

8. Rule out marine biology and astrophysics, and all the rest till you're left with one.

排除海洋生物学和天体物理学 接着排除剩下的 直到剩下一个

9. we could be on the ground floor of something big not just for theoretical physics but for astrophysics as well.

就能亲身参与到这些大事... 不仅是理论物理的大事 也是天体物理学的大事

10. Well, studying black holes and doing astrophysics, brings you basically to the limits of understanding.

研究黑洞和天体物理学 基本上把你带到了认知的极限



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

