中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ri:tʃɪŋ]

v. 到达( reach的现在分词 ); 联络; 伸出手臂, 延伸

n the act of physically reaching or thrusting out
n accomplishment of an objective
v reach a destination, either real or abstract
v reach a point in time, or a certain state or level
v move forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense
v be in or establish communication with
v to gain with effort
v to extend as far as
v reach a goal, e.g., "make the first team"
v place into the hands or custody of
v to exert much effort or energy


1. They reached out to me, and I'm reaching out to you.

他们找到了我 然后我又找到了你

2. There are cases that you reach and cases you don't reach.

有能解决的案例 就有不能解决的案例

3. If he's trying to reach out to me, there has to be a way to reach him.

如果他是在想办法联系我 肯定有办法跟他取得联系

4. I can't reach the pilots. I can't reach anyone.

我感受不到飞行员 谁也感受不到

5. He's reaching out to you so you'll reach out to me, once the investigation reopened.

他找到你 是为了一旦重启调查 好让你来找我

6. We reach out and reach out and reach out, flipping and flipping and flipping switches like a goddamn monkey to see if something clicks.

我们不断和外界取得联系 不断地切换开关 就像个傻猴子等着看是否有回音

7. The people who reached out to my son, they're reaching out to others.

那些主动找上我儿子的人 也在主动联系其他人

8. Whatever darkness you reached into is reaching back for you.

不管你触到了什么样的黑暗 它也向你伸出了手

9. Every time I reach out to you, you don't reach back.

每次我联络你 你都不回复

10. Kofun, can you reach him? I'm reaching out a hand.

可风 你能够到他吗 我把手伸出来了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

