中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈstrɪkən] 美 [ˈstrɪkən]

a. 受打击的, 负了伤的, 衰老的, 受灾的

s grievously affected especially by disease
s (used in combination) affected by something overwhelming
s put out of action (by illness)


1. Ma'am, you've been stricken from the invite list.

女士 您已被移出邀请名单

2. Your group is stricken, infected with poison, compromised.

你的队伍被重创 染上毒药 陷入危险

3. All previous testimony on the matter will be stricken from the record.

所有此前关于该问题的 证词都将被判为无效

4. In fact, I want it stricken from his chart right now.

事实上 我想让你马上把它从病历上撤下来

5. But, sir, we'll surely be stricken down by the insurmountable might of their armies.

但是 大人 我们肯定会被击倒的 他们的军队势不可挡

6. Yeah, well, it was immediately stricken from the record, but I said it loud and clear.

对 立刻从记录中删除 但我一清二楚地说过

7. All of this time, you have said I was wrong, and last night, I awoke stricken, but perhaps it was true.

这么久以来 你都说我错了 昨晚 我惊觉醒来 意识到你可能是对的

8. It's like I get really panic stricken and I feel like I might explode or something.

就像恐慌症犯了一样 我觉得自己都要爆炸了

9. It was invented in the 1940s because aircraft started flying so fast it was no longer possible for a pilot to simply throw himself out of a stricken plane.

20世纪40年代 由于飞机飞行速度过快 飞行员很难从失事的飞机中轻易脱身 于是发明了弹射座椅

10. If you have been stricken with a great sadness, you may feel as if you have been set aflame as the sadness spreads over your life, like oke from an enormous fire.

如果你遭受了巨大的悲伤 你可能会觉得自己像被点着了 悲伤在你的生活里蔓延开来 就像一场大火的浓烟



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

