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音标: 英 [ˈbrɔ:dsɔ:d] 美 [ˈbrɔdˌsɔrd, -ˌsord]

n. 大刀, 阔刀

n. a sword with a broad blade and (usually) two cutting edges; used to cut rather than stab


1. A broadsword was found in the bed that they shared.


2. Or she might slaughter us with her broadsword.


3. Lying next to a sharp broadsword doesn't help either.


4. Yeah, let's teach that ogre what my broadsword tastes like.

对 让那个食人魔尝尝我大刀的厉害

5. She's got a broadsword that enhances strength plus three.


6. I wasn't born with a broadsword in my hand but I was forced to learn how to wield one, so I did.

我并不是天生就会舞刀弄剑 但我 着学会了用剑 那我就出招

7. That you murdered two men, one with a 14thcentury broadsword, and the other with a flintlock pistol.

你杀了两个男人 一个是用14世纪时的大砍刀 另一个是用燧发枪

8. If you wanted to kill someone wearing chainmail, you wouldn't use a broadsword, you'd use something superpointy.

如果你想杀死一个穿戴盔甲的人 你不会用宽刃剑 那应该用一把非常尖利的剑才对

9. The highland army was completely exposed, and they then charged into the teeth of musket fire, cannons, mortars with nothing more than their broadswords, for the most part.

高地军队毫无掩护 大多数时候只能挥舞大刀 冲向火枪 大炮 迫击炮的 枪林弹雨里

10. I am not going to make the requisite joke about a man's broadsword failing him under pressure, because shaming culture is the antithesis of literally everything that I stand for.

我不会开那种一个人 在压力之下提不动刀的不举笑话 因为我最反对的 就是这种羞辱文化



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


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